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The Power of Belief

Beliefs are powerful things. They can hold us back or push us forward. They can help us climb mountains or keep us trapped in the deepest of canyons. Nations have risen and fallen purely on the basis of belief. A belief can make your day or destroy your life. That’s the power of a belief.

It’s also the secret to their undoing. Because a belief is just that-a belief. Just because someone believes something doesn’t make it real. It’s not necessarily a fact in the objective sense; in fact, most beliefs are partial or half-truths at best. A belief gets its power from the fact that you believe it and not from any objective reality.

What happens if you cease believing in something? It loses its power.

A belief has no power over you if you stop believing in it. It becomes a dead belief; something else comes to take its place. If a commonplace belief has enough people stop believing in it, then an entire culture or country can change.

How does this apply in your own life? The most powerful beliefs you have in your mind are your limiting beliefs - those beliefs that tell you the rules about what you can’t do, what your limitations are, that hold you back from reaching your goals. Everyone has these beliefs. They’re powerful defense mechanisms created by your unconscious to protect you, but now they’re causing you more harm than good.

Do you want to improve your life? Do you want to make your dreams come true? You’re going to have to confront and get past your limiting beliefs to do it. These beliefs are powerful and hard to break but remember, they are just beliefs. They aren’t true anywhere except in your head.

This means you have the power to change them. You can get rid of them and replace them with something new beliefs that empower you, challenge you, and uplift you instead of dragging you down!

Once you’ve done this, you’re limiting beliefs will become dead beliefs and you won’t have to worry about them again. Start by identifying what your limiting beliefs are. Come up with ways to turn them into empowering beliefs. Make these new beliefs into mantras that you repeat until you’re convinced of their validity.

Start acting as if these new beliefs are true. Remember, they’re just beliefs - you can make them true with the power of your thoughts. Eventually, they’ll become true in your mind and your limiting beliefs will go wherever all dead beliefs go.


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